Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Morality And Social Ethics - 1331 Words

Modest Ambiguity The Afterlife, a concept almost controversial enough we ought to legalize the option to transcend after death (just incase). The belief in an afterlife makes not only scientific but also idealistic sense. Though there are many different versions of the after life, this author supports re-incarnation from a Buddhist perspective. The belief of an afterlife is incredibly important to the human psych. Living with the belief of an impending death and after life that relies on your actions in this lifetime keeps people’s morality and social ethics at their highest not to mention providing many with hope and meaning in life. Without an afterlife, there is no point in being a good person, other than for self-fulfillment, or even living at all. From a scientific perspective there are several different â€Å"experiences† of the afterlife that people have. These experiences are classified as Verdical NDE’S (vertical near death experiences), Peak in the Dari en, Mediumship, and death bed phenomena. While Verdical NDE’S are the most commonly experienced they are also the most easily explained. As Greg Taylor says â€Å"†¦the heavenly visions of the NDE to be simply hallucinations brought on by the various physical and psychological burdens put on the brain by its imminent demise†. Anyone not familiar with the Verdical NDE phenomena, an adequate example would be Eben Alexander’s experience. Eben Alexander is a neurosurgeon, whom I might add is still practicing,Show MoreRelatedEssay on The Death Penalty:Social Ethics: Morality and Social Policy1737 Words   |  7 Pagesonly be rational and just to offer aid to the innocent than â€Å"to those who are guilty of squandering aid† (Mappes, Zembaty, and DeGrazia 141). Works Cited Mappes, Thomas A., Jane S. Zembaty, and David DeGrazia. The Death Penalty. Social Ethics: Morality and Social Policy. 8th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2012. 105-53. Print. Read MoreThe Ethical Concepts Of Kantian Ethics Essay1043 Words   |  5 PagesMorality in Reasons, not Consequences Introduction The philosophy of Kant has become a turning point in the development of the Western thinking and worldview. His innovative and progressive ideas have strongly contributed to the formation of a new paradigm of the universe and role of humans in it. A great role in Kant’s studies belongs to the analysis of ethics, morality and law as the main regulators of the human behavior in the society Kant is known as the founder of the deontological ethics (Kantianism)Read MoreEthics : Ethics And Morality1476 Words   |  6 Pagesuniversal on ethics and morality. Ethics among different cultures is so vast, even though every culture does have a standard for ethics which they live by. Although ethics is a broad human universal, there is no specific universal ethic. 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