Thursday, May 14, 2020

Environmental Justice Is The Fair Treatment And...

Environmental Justice is the fair treatment and involvement of people of all races, national origin, or income regarding the construction, implementation, and enforcing of environmental regulations and policies (EPA). No single group of people should carry the full burden of pollution produced by industry or commercial operations in their vicinity. The discourse on environmental justice cannot proceed without mentioning environmental racism. According to the EPA, environmental racism is the targeting of non-white communities when locating harmful facilities, where racial minorities are not a part of the decision-making process. Environmental racism is one manifestation of environmental injustice reinforced by economic and political institutions (Bullard, 559). Above all, Environmental Justice has its roots in Warren County, North Carolina. In 1982, demonstrations by community members with the NAACP in Warren County opposed the decision to place a PCB landfill in an African American majority neighborhood. It resulted in over hundreds of arrests but put environmental justice on national headlines. Furthermore, the protests led the United Church of Christ to undertake a study entitled, â€Å"Toxic Wastes and Race in the United States†. This seminal study analyzed the connection between the placement of waste sites and race in the country. It found race to be the most confounding determinant in siting hazardous waste facilities in certain communities. Furthermore, the studyShow MoreRelatedKeystone Xl Pipeline Vs. 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